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Are You a Good Candidate for Gynecomastia Surgery?


July 6, 2018

Gynecomastia surgery is the procedure to correct the appearance of enlarged breasts on males. The main cause is obesity, but there are cases of genetic, endocrine or metabolic disorders. Many men are interested in getting this surgery, but they may not know if they can benefit from it. The first step is to know the requirements of a good candidate for the treatment.

Are You a Good Candidate for Gynecomastia Surgery

You Have Tried Everything

Many men who are interested in gynecomastia surgery are not the expected candidates. They may be skeptical about cosmetic surgery or think that the procedures are better suited for women. However, they have decided that few other options work as quickly and effectively as surgery.

Most candidates have tried everything else to remove unwanted fat from their breasts. They’ve struggled through countless diets and exercise routines. They’ve also tried all kinds of dietary supplements and medications with little to no luck. They now realize that an operation may be their one and only option.

You Are Healthy

The best candidates for plastic surgery are fit and healthy. Patients who benefit the most are overweight and not severely obese. Doctors look for men who do not have pre existing medical conditions like diabetes or heart disease. These unfavorable conditions include:

  • Poor heart and blood circulation
  • Smoking and/or substance abuse
  • Poor immune system

Good health means that the body remains stable during and after surgery. The surgical cuts heal faster when the cardiovascular system is healthy. The chances of acquiring more fat onto the same areas are low. So, a healthy candidate is guaranteed to recover quickly and return to living a normal life.

You Want Long-Lasting Results

Ideal candidates choose surgery because they want long-lasting results. They have tried some diets that keep the excessive weight for a few months, but the fat comes back before the end of the year. They have realized that many diets are not for everyone, so they cannot keep up the results.

In contrast, the effects of surgery are immediate and long-lasting. Although patients need follow-up care, most do not have to repeat the procedure again. If they remain healthy, they keep the right breast size for several years or decades.

Many people know about breast enlargements, but they have little knowledge about the opposite. Gynecomastia is a condition that involves removing unwanted, excessive fat from the breasts of male patients. Not all men qualify for the surgery, though. Know who makes good candidates and then contact our Wall Street office for an appointment.


Top NYC and Long Island Cosmetic Surgeon

635 Madison Ave, 4th Floor, NY NY 10022
118 Glen Cove Road, Roslyn Heights, NY 11577

Call 212-344-0496 for your free consultation!

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