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4 On The Go Healthy Lunches!

August 3, 2017

Losing money and gaining weight from eating out? A few small changes can be a great jumpstart for you and your family! Save on your food bill and spice up your diet with these quick and easy choices»

Greek Salad
To create a quick refreshing lunch, first add in black olives, chick peas, red onions, and feta cheese. After all the goodies, top it off with your favorite leafy green and a dash of tzatziki dressing!

Light Mac & Cheese
There is no better comfort food them leftover mac & cheese. Take Monday nights mac&cheese and store them in a mason jar for a light and quick Tuesday’s lunch. You can also top it with chives and breadcrumbs to give it a fresh new twist.

Bacon and Eggs
Woke up a tad late? This brunch mason jar recipe will fill your breakfast craving. First scramble eggs, onions, and tomatoes in a pan. After sizzling the bacon, serve it in a mason jar and pack it up for work.

Pesto Pasta Salad
To crush that carb craving, first add in any kind of pasta. Then dice up a few tomatoes and garlic cloves and throw them in. Feel free to add some fresh spinach and pesto dressing to seal the deal.

Your friends at Wall Street Cosmetic Surgery want you to live a healthy lifestyle both before and after you leave us. We can certainly help the process of losing weight, but it is up to the individual to maintain their results. We know you can do it!

If you’re interested in learning more about the procedures we offer, call 212-344-0496!

Top NYC and Long Island Cosmetic Surgeon

635 Madison Ave, 4th Floor, NY NY 10022
118 Glen Cove Road, Roslyn Heights, NY 11577

Call 212-344-0496 for your free consultation!

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