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4 Ways to Build a Healthy Social Life After Gynecomastia

January 31, 2018

While gynecomastia might not be a life-threatening condition, it can destroy a man’s self-esteem and self-confidence. Men with gynecomastia can feel inferior, avoid social exposure, and isolate themselves out of shame or fear. It generally hinders young men from developing a positive body image, which affects their quality of life—sometimes even after receiving corrective surgery.

However, gynecomastia is not a life sentence. Here are some ways you can help rebuild your confidence and social

Go Out of Your Way to Look Friendly & Comfortable

To make new friends, you need people to feel comfortable around you. For that to happen, you need to be comfortable too. Dress in your favorite clothes or styles, or wear whatever makes you feel comfortable in your skin. Try to smile naturally as often as possible—people are drawn to happy, easygoing energy. If you look approachable people will want to spend more time with you.

Plan a Small Get-Together at Your Place

The easiest place to practice your social skills is in a location you feel at-ease. Because you are the one inviting them over, you can control the number of people you invite, what you do, and the amount of time you are together. If you are shy or have low self-esteem, this is one great way to improve your confidence in a familiar environment.

Commit to Investing in Your Existing Friendships

You must have at least two friends in your circle. They might not be many, but quality matters more than quantity. Investing in your current friendships can help build your confidence, but they’ll also help you realize that building a community isn’t as much work as you fear.

Make an effort to hang out more with them and say yes to any plans they make. By doing so, you will be out more often and you get a chance to meet new people—while surrounded by people you’re already close with.

Make an Effort to Show Appreciation for Those Around You

Here’s the simplest truth about human nature:

People want to be loved and appreciated. When they’re around people who show love and care, they’re happy—and they’ll want to be around that person.

Even in a casual context, people like to know that they’re on your mind. If you want to build your social life, start by learning how to be a good friend. Compliment your friends, take a moment to notice the things that matter to them, and follow up on your conversations with people.

Simply by paying more attention to the people around you, you’ll be able to create a rich social life with people who genuinely want to be around you.

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