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Men Are Getting Cosmetic Surgery Now More than Ever

April 20, 2018

In the past, cosmetic surgery was typically associated with women. There was a stigma concerning surgery that made men uncomfortable when considering solutions to their insecurities. In recent years, men have taken interest in the benefits of cosmetic surgical procedures. Men have also become more open to discussing their interests and success stories regarding surgical cosmetics.

Why Men Are Undergoing Cosmetic Surgery

Men, like women, want to look their best, even if it takes a little cosmetic work. Since cosmetic surgery is becoming an accepted treatment option for men, other guys are willing “go under” to take care of an issue that always bothered them. Additionally, as plastic surgery has advanced and developed into a minimally-invasive science, it has become an option for more people.

Why Men Are Confident About In-Office Injectable Treatments

Everyone wants to look younger and more youthful. With the advancements in injectable anti-aging treatments, almost anyone can smooth out wrinkles and lines through a single office visit. These treatments are beneficial for the following defects: scars, modification of the nose, and filling out the jawline. As there is little to no downtime for these procedures, men can pop in for a visit and get the work done while on lunch break. As the procedure is less noticeable than other treatment options, many men are taking advantage of injectable aids.

Liposuction for Men

Liposuction is the most popular cosmetic procedure sought by men. It is helpful in reducing stubborn weight around the abdominal area that is difficult to shed, and impossible to get rid of through diet and exercise. It is also a popular procedure for men who want to reduce the amount of fat accumulation in the chest area. However, this procedure must be completed by a surgeon that is skilled in removing fat tissue and glandular tissue. If you need a skilled surgeon, contact us for a free consultation.

Facial Cosmetic Surgery for Men

It is well-known that men, on average, are less concerned about age lines and wrinkles than women. However, sagging skin, heavy eyelids, and other features can cause unhealthy appearances in some men. Non-surgical methods are by far the most popular option to remove these features, and BOTOX can provide a smoother brow line and a healthier looking eyelid. It also aids in youthful appearance without the necessity of downtime associated with surgical skin tightening.

Why Men Choose a Comprehensive Anti-Aging Plan

By choosing a comprehensive anti-aging plan, men can put themselves in control of their appearance over time. Therapies like testosterone replacements and platelet-rich plasma therapy can help reduce the effects of aging. The available therapies can reduce the need for BOTOX treatments and spot treatments over time and reduce the amount of fat accumulation associated with aging.


As you can see, there are a number of procedures that will go a long way in helping men look and feel younger. Getting the look that you want goes a long way in obtaining comfortability in your skin. If you are ready for a consultation, contact us now!

Top NYC and Long Island Cosmetic Surgeon

635 Madison Ave, 4th Floor, NY NY 10022
118 Glen Cove Road, Roslyn Heights, NY 11577

Call 212-344-0496 for your free consultation!

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