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Dealing with Body Dysmorphia After Gynecomastia Surgery

February 20, 2018

Body dysmorphic disorder (BDD) after gynecomastia is very common. BDD is a condition in which someone fixates on a real or imagined bodily flaw. Dealing with BDD is tricky because it can persist even after corrective surgery. In fact, it has been that case that long after a patient has had successful corrective surgery, they’ll continue calling their doctors convinced that the problem is returning (or persisting).

While it won’t go away overnight, there are ways to realign the way we see ourselves. The first step is to reach out to a licensed professional to help us work through our body image issues. The most common therapy for BDD is cognitive behavioral therapy, which helps clients to recognize negative thought patterns and irrational thoughts, and then works to replace them with positive ones.

The Difference Between Dysmorphia & Low Self-Esteem

Whereas most people are simply annoyed with real or imagined bodily flaws, those with BDD remain hyper-focused on those flaws, obsessing about them in a way that affects their daily lives. They often constantly check the mirror, hide it by wearing extra layers of clothing, isolate themselves socially because of it, and/or believe they need additional surgeries.

The most important thing that we can do to combat BDD is to ask the cosmetic surgeons what we can realistically expect after the surgery. Creating realistic expectations alleviates some of the fears patients face after a surgery. Next, we need to where professional counseling is available. Psychiatrists may prescribe SSRIs, which are a common treatment for clinical depression and anxiety.

No one needs to suffer prolonged depression due to a real or imagined bodily flaw. Help is available.

Top NYC and Long Island Cosmetic Surgeon

635 Madison Ave, 4th Floor, NY NY 10022
118 Glen Cove Road, Roslyn Heights, NY 11577

Call 212-344-0496 for your free consultation!

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