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Four Steps Toward Self Motivation

August 11, 2017

Losing weight and achieving a better self image is the goal for so many people in America. The problem is people just don’t know how to achieve their goals. They know what they want, they just don’t necessarily know how to get it. Lucky for you, your friends at Wall Street Cosmetic Surgery have a path to get you there:

Define What Motivates You

  • Is your goal to look skinny or to be healthy?
  • How long do you want this to take?
  • Are you trying to slim down for someone in particular?
  • Your conviction to succeed in weight loss needs to come from yourself!
  • Pressure from others will eventually fade.
  • You are the only one who has control over YOUR body!

Make Your Goals Reasonable

Whether it be a diet and exercise plan or cosmetic surgery, you need to set realistic expectations for yourself. We suggest going in short term increments so that you have a realistic chance of reaching those goals. A few pounds here and a few pounds there and that will eventually add up to your long term goals!

Visualize Your Goals

Knowing yourself and knowing how you operate is very important for successful transformations. You want to be able to know that you can get where you are trying to go and this comes with visualization. Look at pictures of someone who you think resembles where you are trying to be and don’t stop until you get there.

Uncover and Eliminate Emotional Obstacles

You need to look at the reasons that you became overweight in the first place. A lot of men and women will overeat because they feel stressed, or because they’re bored or because of depression. This battle is 90% mental and staying busy is a great way to stay out of the fridge. Many dieticians recommend starting a new hobby or activity at the time of a diet plan. It will keep your mind occupied.  

If cosmetic surgery is part of your short term plan, our team would love to help! We offer minimally invasive procedures like Smartlipo which will get you the results you desire without all the scarring and recovery time.

To schedule a Smartlipo consultation, call 212-344-0496 or book an appointment online!  


Top NYC and Long Island Cosmetic Surgeon

635 Madison Ave, 4th Floor, NY NY 10022
118 Glen Cove Road, Roslyn Heights, NY 11577

Call 212-344-0496 for your free consultation!

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