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Ways to Make Your Workout More Fun

October 2, 2018

The term “fun workout” sounds a bit like an oxymoron. After all, does anyone really like working out? The truth is, yes! When you learn how to work out the right way, it really does become fun and, dare we say, something you may even look forward to doing.

Grab a Partner

Do you know someone also trying to get in better shape? If so, ask them to be your workout partner! Exercising with someone not only makes you happier during a workout, but it makes you more likely to work out in general and more likely to work out harder — talk about a win, win, win!

Don’t Limit Yourself to a Gym

When you hear the word “exercise” a treadmill-filled gym is probably the first thing that comes to mind. While that’s great for some people, it’s not the right environment for everyone. If you’re not a “gym person,” look into other forms of exercise, like water aerobics, fitness classes, dance classes, yoga, aerial work and so much more.

Spend Time Making a Playlist

What you listen to can really impact your workout. Throwing on a commercial-filled radio station or soothing music likely won’t get you in the right mindset to workout, so spend a few minutes creating a high-energy playlist before heading out.

Track Your Progress

A big reason why people stop exercising after a few months of dedicated workouts is because they feel like nothing is happening. They’re putting all this time and energy in and their body is still the same. In reality, that’s far from the truth. Because we look at ourselves every day, it can be easy to miss the huge changes our bodies have undergone.

Taking a picture on day one of your journey is a great way to see how your body has changed. You should also regularly track your weight and BMI, in addition to other things, like how long you’re able to run for or steps you’re able to climb. When you can actually see that you’re making positive moves forward, it’s easier to keep going.

Save the Best for Last

Ending your workout with the exercise you hate the most is never a good idea. Not only will you be the most tired at this point, but you’ll also be eager to leave. Instead, start with the hardest exercise. Once you’re done, you’ll be happy to know that the rest of your routine only gets easier.


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