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Long-Term Prognosis Following Gynecomastia Treatment

March 12, 2018

While there are several possible treatments for gynecomastia, if the doctor feels that surgery is your best option, then you may be wondering about its long-term implications. You may have questions such as, “if the surgery leaves me with embarrassing scars and other marks, is it even worth pursuing?” and “is the surgery safe for my health?”  To answer those questions, here are

While there are several possible treatments for gynecomastia, if the doctor feels that surgery is your best option, then you may be wondering about its long-term implications. You may have questions such as, “if the surgery leaves me with embarrassing scars and other marks, is it even worth pursuing?” and “is the surgery safe for my health?”  To answer those questions, here are some of the long-term consequences of gynecomastia surgery.


Many men undergo liposuction to reduce or remove the extra fatty tissue that has developed in their breasts. This procedure, performed while the patient is under general anesthetics, breaks down fat tissue and removes it from the body. In most cases, the operation leaves a tiny scar that the surgeon can hide easily enough. Before agreeing to liposuction, it is vital to understand that the procedure is not always a permanent solution. Various factors, like obesity and unregulated hormones, may require a second or third round of liposuction to have permanence.

Keyhole Mastectomy

In other cases, a surgeon may recommend a keyhole mastectomy. The procedure is performed with a small keyhole tool that leaves a minuscule scar on the patient. During the procedure, the surgeon removes fat and glandular tissue in an attempt to keep the breast from growing back. Therefore, when compared to possible necessity of multiple rounds of liposuction, this procedure is much better because it is a “one and done” type of surgery. The operation is often painless and the recovery time is short in length.

Open Mastectomy

In more severe cases of gynecomastia, a surgeon may recommend an open mastectomy. When compared with liposuction and keyhole mastectomy, this surgery is more invasive and leaves a larger scar. As with the keyhole variant, during the open mastectomy, both fat and glandular tissue is removed. Open mastectomy is often performed when cancer is in the breast tissue and must be accompanied by radiation therapy. The results can leave a definite scar, but plastic surgeons can hide it through various methods. If a patient undergoes radiation therapy, their chest hair is likely to fall out. After surgery, many men report that they have no fear in taking off their shirt in public.

Regardless of the type of treatment someone receives, most men look perfectly normal after the gynecomastia operation is complete. Follow up reports after procedures suggest that men who receive operations are more comfortable in their bodies and say they would undergo the process again if given a choice.

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