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No Matter Your Resolution, These 3 Tips Will Help You Keep It

January 4, 2019

Each January people all across the country vow that this is the year they’re going to get in shape, eat well, lose weight, go to the gym… you get the picture. But unfortunately, just a few months (sometimes even weeks) later, those once exciting resolutions have fallen to the wayside, thanks to hectic work schedules and family commitments.

If your resolutions have never made it December, we’re here with some advice that just may help!

1. Create a “By This Date” list.

Setting an overall goal is a great first step but you also need to include smaller, more reachable goals on the way. If your general goal is to go to the gym more, the first few months of your “By This Date” list may look something like:

  • I will have signed up for a gym by January 7.
  • I will have gone to the gym 5 times by January 31.
  • I will try one new exercise class by February 28.

2. Talk about your goal with others.

Talking about your goal is a great way to keep it top-of-mind throughout the year. Plus, if others know what your goal is (i.e. “go to the gym more”) they can help you along the way by inviting you to the gym with them and asking about your progress.

3. Reward yourself.

Each time you accomplish a small goal on your list, reward yourself for a job well done! Just be careful not to reward yourself with something that will set your goal back. So if your goal is to lose weight, don’t reward yourself for going to the gym by eating a large dinner. Instead, hit the mall and treat yourself to a new shirt or sweater.

Having a tough time achieving your goal? Sometimes diet and exercise alone aren’t enough to give us the body of our dreams. If you’re considering cosmetic surgery, give Wall Street Cosmetic Surgery a call at (212) 344-0496 or visit us online!

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