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Exercise Tips to Firm Male Breast Tissue Naturally

July 12, 2016

Statistics have shown that about 57% of adult men in the United States are affected by gynecomastia to some degree — the condition that causes enlargement of breast tissue. While the most common cause is hormone-related, an unhealthy diet and weight are also often contributing factors. If you’re dealing with enlarged breast tissue or excess fat in the chest area, listen up, these exercise tips can help you firm up faster.

Boost your heart rate. Cardio is your friend when it comes to burning calories, and burning calories is the best way to shed excess fat that has settled in the chest. As such, make sure you’re doing plenty of exercises that raise your heart rate and help you break a sweat. Whether it’s cycling, swimming, running, or playing a recreational sport, doing 45 minutes of cardio, at least four days a week is key.

Build those chest muscles. In addition to shedding fat, you also want to strengthen your pectoral muscles. The stronger your chest muscles become, the more toned and sculpted your breast tissue will appear. Muscles have a higher metabolic rate than fat, which means working out your chest muscles will help you burn even more calories faster. A a general rule, stick to eight 12-repetition sets of chest exercises at least three-to-five times weekly.

Get yourself on a circuit. Circuit training is where cardio and strength-training unite, not to mention working out on a circuit track burns an average of 30% more calories. When you train on a circuit, you’ll be mixing up the exercises that you do, bouncing back and forth from various cardio and strength activities. This helps keep your heart rate up and keeps you from bored or complacent with an exercise.

While exercising and eating healthy can help, many times the only surefire way to get rid of gynecomastia once and for all is with a surgical procedure. Lucky for you, at Wall Street Cosmetic Surgery we specialize in male breast reductions, and pride ourselves on being one of the very few practices in the nation where high quality care and affordable pricing co-exist.

Take back your life. Feel confident again. Call 212-34-0496 to schedule a consultation today.

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