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Stuck Sitting at Work? Just Deskercise!

September 15, 2016

Exercising after a long day at the office is a drag, so just exercise AT the office! Wait what? Yep, there are plenty of mini ‘deskercises’ you can do to keep up your fitness and improve performance. You might even want to encourage your colleagues to join in on some of these fun, office exercise techniques!  

Taking the Stairs
This isn’t really a ‘deskercise,’ but it is effective in toning your leg muscles and working up your heart rate. The added bonus is that you also get to avoid that dreary elevator small talk.

Walk and Talk
This is crucial to keep the mind and body fit during work hours. If you have a big office, you would be surprised at the amount of steps you could take if you paid an hourly visit to colleagues throughout the day. While this is great for your physical health, it will also keep you from losing your mind in the computer.

Chair Squats
You could use your office chair as a bench for box squats. Just hold your arms out in front of you and bend down until your butt touches the seat. Do this 20X for 3 sets and you’ll notice the difference in no time. If you feel weird doing it alone, invite your friends to a ‘chair squat’ meeting.

Printer Push-Ups
The time you spend waiting for pages to print is valuable time lost. While that presentation is pumping out, you should take the time to get a light pump in yourself. If the printer seems like it will take two minutes to load up, do a set of push-ups to keep things interesting.

These ‘deskercises’ can help keep the office environment fun and healthy. But if you are noticing that work is becoming a struggle due to your self-esteem issues, cosmetic surgery might be an option for you.

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