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5 Ways Men Can Dress Thinner

October 4, 2016

If you walk around the streets of New York City, you’ll see men sporting all different types of clothing. Some men get it wrong and some get it right. You definitely want to belong to the latter group. Fashion gives you a way to stand out, but it can also help you hide those problem areas on your body. With just a few simple wardrobe tweaks, you’ll be looking five pounds thinner in no time.

  • Wear Clothes That Fit- Some men are under the impression that baggier is better– this is a mistake! Baggy clothes won’t hide your problem areas, they’ll only make them look bigger. On the other hand, clothes that are too tight will also make these areas more noticeable. The best thing you can do is find a brand or a particular fit that works for your body type.
  • Go Dark- You should keep your personality bright but your clothes black and gray. It might seem cliche, but it really does work!
  • Wear a Belt- A belt is there to make your pants fit properly, so let it do its job. Wearing a belt with a tucked in shirt will slim your waist and make your upper body appear more defined. It also shows the people at work that you know a thing or two about style.
  • Avoid Stripes and Brights- If you are trying to draw attention away from your chest and stomach, why would you wear something that draws attention? A bright shirt or one with vertical/horizontal stripes will only draw attention to those areas of your body. If you are trying to conceal them, it is best to go simple and classic.
  • Stand Tall- You’re a man, puff out your chest! This is really only half kidding. Look at yourself in the mirror when you are standing straight vs when you are standing hunched. Which looks better to you? Try and apply this tip when you are at work or out with friends, you’ll start to look and feel much better!

Every man wants to look and feel their best when they hit the streets every morning. Unfortunately, some men have trouble with their body image and it leads to a negative perception of themselves. If you have tried everything else and nothing seems to work, cosmetic surgery might be an option for you. At Wall Street Cosmetic Surgery, we offer extensive plastic surgery services and we love to set you up with a consultation today.

To schedule your FREE consultation, call 212-344-0496 or visit us on the web!

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635 Madison Ave, 4th Floor, NY NY 10022
118 Glen Cove Road, Roslyn Heights, NY 11577

Call 212-344-0496 for your free consultation!

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