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New York's Top Gynecomastia Surgeon

Gynecomastia Treatment Long Island & NYC

We specialize in male breast reduction, otherwise known as Gynecomastia. Gynecomastia is diagnosed when a male experiences over-development of the breasts: Too much fatty tissue, enlarged breast glands, tender and protruding nipples, one breast larger than the other.

NYC Gynecomastia Surgery consists of:


Breast Fat Removal: Using tumescent liposuction, excess breast fat is suctioned to reshape the chest. Tumescent fluid is first injected into the area to be treated. This fluid contains medications to numb the area, prevent infection and reduce blood loss. The end result is less discomfort as well as less swelling and faster recovery time post-operatively.


Breast Gland Removal: Using a discreet incision around the lower border of the nipple, the breast glands are removed with a skillful hand and an artful eye. The scar is almost invisible, once healed.

Gynecomastia is a condition where the male breast becomes enlarged due to extra fatty tissue and/or glandular tissue and can resemble female-like contours. You are not alone in suffering from this condition; in a 2010 report released by the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, nearly 20,000 men had male breast reduction surgery. It is becoming increasingly practical for gynecomastia patients to have their condition surgically taken care of as soon as possible rather than continuing to suffer unnecessarily.

This condition can be devastating for its sufferers as they retreat from normal activities, physical contact with others, and wear baggy clothes to hide themselves. Many of our male breast reduction patients tell us about the daily struggles and rituals they go through just to make it through each day; adjusting their wardrobe, dieting and exercising obsessively to try and spot reduce the breasts, avoiding intimate situations and bowing out of physical and social activities. Many also describe an obsession with constantly checking themselves in the mirror or readjusting their clothing to make sure their breasts aren’t showing through under their clothing.

Gynecomastia is a condition that can develop in men over the age of 50, in teens, and in overweight men (pseudo-gynecomastia). The medical causes for gynecomastia are usually due to hormonal fluctuations in the body. Patients should have a thorough medical evaluation prior to asking for male breast reduction surgery to rule out any possible underlying medical condition such as liver or kidney disease. For other patients with gynecomastia, it is brought on through the use of artificial substances in the body such as anabolic steroids, illicit drugs such as marijuana, or prescription medications.

How Wall Street Cosmetic Surgery is Different

  • We correct the condition under local anesthesia. Patients do not have to worry about the risks of being under general anesthesia.
  • Because we use local anesthesia, the procedure is extremely affordable by eliminating the fees associated with using general anesthesia.
  • When necessary, Dr. Asare uses smartlipo laser to remove extra fat around the chest and sculpts the chest before performing the male breast reduction.
  • The laser reduces blood loss, minimizes bruising, and speeds healing time.
  • SmartLipo laser liposuction can be done on other parts of the body also if desired such as the torso.
  • We have our own AAAHC accredited surgery center which further reduces your cost.
  • Dr Asare treats patients from all over the United States and worldwide because he is a leading specialist in gynecomastia surgery, is trusted, has an impeccable safety record, and gives patients the results they deserve!

How Male Breast Reduction on Long Island is Done

We use a unique cocktail of oral pain killers and a mild sedative to help patients relax as well as keep them comfortable throughout the procedure. Local anesthetic is injected into the treatment areas to completely numb them for a pain-free procedure. For excessive fatty tissue in the breasts, tumescent laser liposuction will be performed with the assistance of SmartLipo laser liposuction. The tumescent fluid is a mixture of sterile saline solution mixed with lidocaine, epinephrine and sodium bicarbonate to keep the deep tissues numbed after the procedure for several hours while also constricting the major and minor blood vessels in the area to reduce blood loss and also to prevent infection. The laser produces a gentle heat while targeting the fat with precision to melt and liquefy it, completely destroying the fat cells so that they can be removed with a suction cannula. After the liposuction portion is completed, glandular tissue under the nipples are surgically removed. To do this, a very small incision is made in the areola (the pink tissue surrounding the nipple) so that the surgeon can remove the glands. Only a few stitches are necessary because the procedure is done with minimally invasive surgical techniques. For the first week a compression garment is required 24 hours a day, then for 12 hours a day for the next week.

Our minimally-invasive, laser-assisted methods give patients the best results, fastest healing times, and the fewest post-surgical complications of any other treatment method available today.

To book a complementary consultation, click here to contact us online. Our phone numbers and the two office locations are listed at the top of our contact us page. We look forward to meeting you and to developing a personalized treatment plan for you.

Click on one of the links below to visit more of our gynecomastia related pages:

Testimonials & Reviews

"My experience with your office was exceptional."

Dear Dr. Asare and Staff:

My experience with your office was exceptional. I can’t think of a single complaint. I have never had better treatment in the medical field before.

After my initial conversation on the phone with Juliana, I felt very comfortable and decided there was no reason to consider another cosmetic surgery office. Later, when I met Dr. Asare, he made me feel very much at ease with the decision I made to move forward with the male breast reduction surgery (gynecomastia surgery).

Dr. Asare, I want to thank you and your incredible staff for all of the care, concern, and consideration that was given to me before and after my surgery. I greatly appreciate it and I am very satisfied with the results.

Michael F. | Garden City, Long Island
* Results may vary

"a life-changing procedure for me"

Dr. Asare, Thank you for everything! Words just cannot convey the depth of my gratitude. I trust you will know how much I appreciate all that you have done! The gynecomastia surgery was really a life-changing procedure for me.

From the time I called for my appointment all staff members were very helpful and made the experience comfortable. I would like to especially thank Julianna! She’s awesome! May be back for more!

May you and your staff have a Merry Xmas & Happy New Year!

Jonathan | Teaneck, New Jersey
* Results may vary

"You are all truly amazing!"

Dear Dr. Asare and Staff:

I just wanted to thank you all for being so nice and caring. I am so pleased with the results of my gynecomastia surgery!. I am so glad Chris referred me here, otherwise I probably would have never found such an amazing place! From Dr. Asare to Juliana, Marilyn and Lucja, even the interior design is top notch. Special thanks to Juliana who had to deal with my millions of phone calls! Thanks for being so patient with me.

You are all truly amazing! Everyone who asks me where I had “it” done, I will always refer them to call Wall Street Cosmetic Surgery. If I had other needs to be addressed, I would definitely come back! I would do everything all over again! I appreciate everything you have done for me!

John F. | New York City
* Results may vary

"I am finally able to conquer my body image issues"

Dear Dr. Asare and Staff:

This is to let you know that the gynecomastia surgery has without a doubt changed my life. I am finally able to conquer my body image issues and feel good about myself. I am so proud that I did this for myself and I know I chose the best cosmetic surgeon - Dr. Asare!

Everyone I encountered was very professional, friendly, and genuine. I was very comfortable with an uncomfortable situation. Thanks for being honest and upfront.

R. Ramsey | Woodbury, Long Island
* Results may vary

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