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New York's Top Gynecomastia Surgeon

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516-253-4667 | 212-344-0496
118 Glen Cove Road, Roslyn Heights, NY 11577
635 Madison Avenue, 4th Floor, New York, NY 10022

SmartLipo FAQ’s

  1. What is SmartLipo and how is it different?

  2. Our laser lipo New York surgeons offer the latest technology available in NY for laser liposuction. Unlike tumescent liposuction where the fat is removed in solid particles, the SmartLipo laser uses an intense beam of energy (the laser) to gently heat the fat cells, completely destroying them on contact and liquefying them so they can be taken out of the area with suction. Due to the unique laser technology, you’ll get tightened collagen in the skin (no loose skin after treatment) and the surrounding tissue is left largely undisturbed. This means less blood loss, minimal bruising, and a speedy recovery for our New York liposuction patients in only a few days!

  3. Am I a good candidate for SmartLipo in NYC?

  4. Almost everyone is an ideal candidate when it comes to our procedure. As a general rule, we follow the below list of criteria to help us determine which patients are right for SmartLipo laser liposuction:

    • You exercise regularly and watch what you eat but are still dealing with problem areas on your body that won’t respond. Areas such as these can include love handles, chin waddle, muffin tops, bat wings, and saddle bags. The good news is that every one of these problem areas can be sculpted to near perfection using our unique techniques for the safest SmartLipo in NYC.
    • You want to avoid being left with loose skin after the procedure. With traditional liposuction, clumps of solid fat particles are removed by the liposuction tool and sucked away. This can leave the skin lax because it is now missing fat underneath the skin. With SmartLipo, our patients will experience something very different. The energy in the laser gently heats the fat cells and triggers the collagen in the skin to contract, producing tighter, smoother skin afterward.
    • You are concerned about safety. The procedure is done under local anesthetic by our expert surgeons so that the risks associated with using general anesthesia are eliminated. Additionally, it seals blood vessels as it destroys the fat cells, leaving you with very little blood loss and minimal bruising. Further, we perform all of our SmartLipo procedures in our very own AAAHC accredited Laser Liposuction New York surgical suites.
    • You have to watch your budget. The even better news about Advanced Cosmetic Surgery of New York is that we have been able to lower the cost of this popular procedure by 1.) Eliminating the expensive fees associated with general anesthesia and 2.) Slightly lowering our own surgeon fees to stay highly competitive.
    • You need something to help you with that last quarter mile. If you understand that SmartLipo body sculpting cannot transform you into a supermodel but CAN take your personal best to a new level, then this procedure is right for you. Our patients who have realistic expectations and continue to exercise and eat well afterward have the longest-lasting and best-looking results. Read our SmartLipo Testimonials from some of our many satisfied laser liposuction patients from both NYC and Long Island.
  5. How much does SmartLipo cost?

  6. Our pricing fis highly competitive while providing you with unbeatable safety and results. We also offer promotional discounts for our patients from time to time throughout the year. The final price can depend upon several factors including your height and weight, how many areas of the body are to be treated, and the extent of skin laxity (loose or sagging skin) needing to be treated. Click here to ask us for a free estimate for a surgery quote. We offer excellent options for financing if you need. We will gladly work with you to arrive at a final price that is affordable for you.

  7. How long will my laser lipo results last?

  8. Since fat cells are completely destroyed using the SmartLipo laser, they are gone forever. Adults do not re-grow fat cells so you won’t have to worry about your treated areas reverting back to what they looked like before treatment. You will, however, have to maintain a good diet and regular exercise to keep the results for many years to come. The fat cells that remain in the treated areas are susceptible to becoming filled with more fat if you gain weight, just like in any other area of your body.

  9. Will my cellulite go away with SmartLipo?

  10. Our SmartLipo treatment is intended to remove excess fat from underneath the skin, giving you a better physique and more attractive figure. The added benefit of SmartLipo is that it can minimize the appearance of cellulite under the skin. It accomplishes this by liquefying the fat cells, completely destroying them so they can be removed through a vacuum tube. Since the laser also produces heat which causes the collagen in the skin to contract, patients are also left with tighter skin that has a smooth appearance. Please mention your concerns about cellulite when you contact us. We can help you decide if either SmartLipotm or VelaShapetm cellulite treatment is the best option for you.

  11. How many treatments will I need to have done?

  12. With our expert surgeons’ unique fat removal methods, only one treatment is needed per area. Once an area has been treated, the excess fat cells are destroyed and removed. Since fat cells do not reproduce, you don’t have to worry about problem areas of fat accumulating again. Keep in mind, however, that in order to maintain your beautiful results you will need to exercise regularly and eat properly.

  13. What areas of the body can be treated?

  14. Our unique surgeons’ skills ensure that treatment can be done to large areas of the body such as the buttocks, abdomen and hips or you can have smaller areas treated such as the bra strap, arms, chest (for men), knees or the chin. Many laser liposuction patients opt to have multiple areas treated at the same, all in one convenient visit. SmartLipo Before and After Photos

  15. How long does the treatment take?

  16. For one area, the treatment usually takes anywhere from 60 to 90 minutes. For larger areas of the body or multiple areas, it can take between two and three hours.

  17. How can I keep my results after having SmartLipo?

  18. We recommend that our patients try to stay within 25 pounds of their ideal body weight, regularly exercise and have a sound diet prior to the procedure. Afterwards, maintaining the beautiful results will be even easier because a healthy lifestyle is already a part of your regular routine. If you aren’t currently exercising, you will need to start after treatment at our center to maintain lasting results.

  19. How long does it take to see a difference after treatment?

  20. Due to the unique laser technology, you will notice a difference right away. Our laser lipo New York experts make sure there is immediate loss of fat cells in problem areas (loss of inches and up to a few pounds) right away. Though there will be some minor swelling after the procedure, full results can be enjoyed about 3 to 6 months post-procedure.

Click here to read testimonials for our SmartLipo pricing page. See some patient testimonials or before and after photos.