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Can You Be Too Old For Cosmetic Surgery?

April 12, 2017

We have seen this question coming up more lately because as cosmetic technology advances, it becomes more accessible to people of all ages. We want you to know that we aren’t going to turn any patients away because of age, but it might not always be the smartest decision to continue with surgical procedures. But here are some things you should consider»

You Can Be Too Young
Doctors everywhere debate the topic of the appropriate age for cosmetic surgery and there are varying opinions everywhere. At Wall Street Cosmetic Surgery, we will provide consultation to patients of all ages, but we can’t guarantee you’ll be seen for surgery. If a child is 12-13 or 14 years of age, they should try natural dieting solutions to deal with weight loss before they try cosmetic surgery. For other facial procedures, a dermatologist should be seen first to see if they can provide a non-surgical solution to the problem your child is having. We want everyone to feel like cosmetic surgery is an option for them, but we don’t want to risk a patient’s health in the process.

What Age is Too Old?
The same rules pretty much apply here. We will see patients of all ages for consultation, but if your PCP or our surgeons feel the surgery is too risky, you won’t be able to move forward. There are some minimally-invasive procedures like SmartLipo and Body Lifts that aren’t going to be as intensive– so those might be better options. These are all things that can be discussed during consultation, but we don’t want age to scare you away from achieving the look you deserve!

What Are Some Other Solutions?
The best way to go about anti-aging plastic surgery is to do a series of smaller procedures rather than one large one. If you are in your forties and start to notice aging lines, come in and we will see what the best course of action is. That way your progress and results will be gradual and not overwhelming to you or the people who matter in your life. This is also the safest possible solution because going under anesthesia is going to be riskier for older patients.

We want you to come in and feel like you can run anything by our team because at the end of the day, you matter most! We can discuss different procedures with your safety being of the utmost concern and see what the best options are going forward.

Schedule your FREE consultation by calling 212-344-0496, or by clicking around on our website!


Top NYC and Long Island Cosmetic Surgeon

635 Madison Ave, 4th Floor, NY NY 10022
118 Glen Cove Road, Roslyn Heights, NY 11577

Call 212-344-0496 for your free consultation!

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