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Assisting A Loved One in a Weight Loss Journey

May 25, 2018

Helping a loved one in his or her weight loss journey may be a bit confusing; of course, you want to say and do the right things and you want to help them achieve their weight loss goals. It is important to get excess pounds off because it minimizes your risk of various chronic health conditions like heart disease and diabetes.

Offer Tips on Healthy Eating

One tip that may help is to share with them strategies that have worked for you such as eating healthy foods like salads, soups and eating nutritious health bars. Water with a touch of lemon can be satisfying and enjoyable.

Work Out with Your Loved One

Exercising with your loved one may be a great way to offer support. You could go with your loved one to a yoga session or for a walk in your neighborhood. In addition, you could set a goal of walking 5,000 steps a day or take your loved one to the gym.

Be Careful not to Criticize

It is important to not criticize or put down your loved one for how they look; this could derail the entire process. Another tip that may help is to give your loved one helpful advice on the types of healthy food. Help your love one find healthy alternatives to fattening foods. Support your friend by eating health foods, too.

Weigh-in with Your Loved One

Take time to have a weigh-in with your loved one. Do the weigh-in once a week and keep a log of how both of you are doing. If you find that one or both of you have gone off the track, then talk about how you can get back on track again.

Other Ways to Lose Weight

There are other options in losing weight such as minimally-invasive liposuction and treatment for male breast growth. Talking with a cosmetic surgeon can help you decide if any of these options would work for you.

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