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Tips For Maintaining Healthy Habits During The Holidays

November 10, 2022

Maintaining Healthy Habits During The Holidays: Tips For Staying On Track

Staying healthy during the holidays can be hard when many of your routines and habits fall by the wayside. As the holidays approach, it can feel like your willpower to maintain good habits goes right out the window. If you want to stick to your resolution to be healthier in the new year, you’ll need to ensure you don’t sabotage yourself during the holiday season. 

Here are some tips for staying on track during the holidays that will prepare you to stick to your goals all year long! 

Set A Goal

The holidays are a time when everyone is eating and drinking more than usual. This can make it difficult to maintain healthy habits. Setting goals for staying on track with healthy habits will help you stay accountable and be more mindful of your health during this time of year.

Practice Mindful Eating 

Eating mindfully is all about being aware of what you consume and how it affects your body. Take time to savor the flavors and textures of your food while you chew, take breaks between bites or stop when you feel full. Carefully considering what is in front of you and avoiding eating with the eyes will allow you to enjoy your meal without overindulging.

Find A Support System

It can be hard to maintain healthy habits during the holidays. Whether traveling, cooking all day or attending parties and social gatherings, you might find it difficult to stay on track with your health goals. To stay motivated, consider sharing your objectives with a family member or friend. This will help you stick to your plans and share your successes and frustrations with them; it could even be a fun and healthy way to bond with someone you love! 

Plan Your Meals

Planning your meals for the week ahead can help you maintain a healthy balance of diet and exercise during the holidays. Some ideas for a balanced diet include breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks. Moreover, ensure that each meal has some form of protein, carbohydrates, and vegetables to keep you satisfied and energized for this busy season! 

Be Realistic

It is normal and healthy to indulge in your favorite treats, so set realistic goals. One tactic you can use is having an everything in moderation mentality. This way, you will enjoy the holiday season without feeling guilty or deprived.

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