We are hopeful that we will be ready to resume our services to you on June 4th. You can call any of our offices as usual to schedule an appointment. In preparation for this we have contracted a professional disinfectant company that will be using safe, EPA approved disinfectant. This will be applied to all surfaces from ceilings to floors. We have also contracted cleaning services to do a top to bottom surface cleaning of all surfaces as well as deep steam cleaning to all flooring throughout the office.

As we begin the re-opening process the following policies will be in effect. These have been created to comply with health department recommendations and more importantly for the protection and safety of our clients and staff. We will continually monitor and comply with new recommendations and regulations as they become available, whether this means tightening or the ability to loosen protective measures in the near future.

Appointment scheduling will be reduced by half to allow less office “traffic”.
No more than 2 patients will be in the waiting room at any one time.
All entering the office must wear a mask covering face and nose.
Sneeze guards will be placed at reception desk.
All entering will have their temperature taken.
All persons will be asked to sanitize their hands with disinfectant.
If there are more than 2 people in the waiting area you will be asked wait in your car and we will text you as to when to come in.
Our staff will wear masks at all times.
Staff will wear gloves and change between each patient.
Staff will be disinfecting their hands before each patient and afterwards.
All equipment used will be disinfected, as usual, between patients.
If you have been in contact with a Covid-19 patient, or have or had a fever in the last 10 days, have any active illness, cough, sneezing, extreme fatigue please do not schedule appointments for less than 2 full weeks after symptoms developed. Please call to cancel your appointments should any of the above develop. Please be advised that if you have a fever, active cough or obvious signs of illness you will be required to leave the office. The same holds true for our staff, should any of the above conditions exist they will be asked to stay at home.

Stay Blessed and be safe!
Emmanuel Asare,MD