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New York's Top Gynecomastia Surgeon

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516-253-4667 | 212-344-0496
118 Glen Cove Road, Roslyn Heights, NY 11577
635 Madison Avenue, 4th Floor, New York, NY 10022

Laser Liposuction with SmartLipo

SmartLipo uses unique, laser-assisted technology to melt away fat cells and carefully remove them from problem areas on the body. The laser beam produces heat energy, in the form of intense light, which specifically targets fat cells, destroying them on contact. The targeted beam of light energy does not have a damaging effect on surrounding tissues, so blood vessels and nerves are left largely undisturbed. This means that our patients experience less blood loss during surgery, much less bruising, and very little discomfort afterwards. Recovery time is greatly reduced with laser liposuction as compared with traditional liposuction.

How do I know if SmartLipo is right for me?

You are likely an ideal candidate for laser liposuction if you:

  • Regularly exercise
  • Are within 25 pounds of your ideal body weight
  • Have areas of fat that are not responding properly to diet and exercise
  • Are a non-smoker (smoking must be stopped 2 weeks prior to surgery)
  • Need to get back to work and family responsibilities within a day or two
  • Do not have any serious health conditions


It makes it a very easy decision to get SmartLipo if the above apply to you. Though every patient is different, we follow these general guidelines to determine which patients are eligible for SmartLipo laser liposuction. If you do not meet all of the above guidelines, don’t worry! Simply call us to find out if your particular concern is a showstopper. The chances are that we can work with you to provide you with the safest scenario in which your laser liposuction can be performed.

Click here to read our SmartLipo Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) page to learn more.

What areas of the body can be treated?

SmartLipo laser liposuction removes fat in many different areas of the body including:

  • Arms
  • Legs
  • Hips
  • Buttocks
  • Waist
  • Abdomen
  • Chest Sculpting (male breast reduction for gynecomastia)
  • Back and Bra Strap
  • Thighs (outer and inner)
  • Knees
  • Chin


No General Anesthesia

Since SmartLipo laser liposuction uses only local anesthetic, the risks and expenses associated with using general anesthesia are eliminated. General anesthesia is riskier because the patient is unconscious and must be continuously sedated and monitored throughout the procedure. When this method of sedation is used it is far more expensive because anesthesia fees must be charged for the use of an anesthesiologist (medical doctor who specializes in anesthesia). SmartLipo is less expensive because the fees for general anesthesia do not apply.

Quick Recovery Time

Additionally, laser liposuction is a great option for any patient who needs to get back to their daily routine as quickly as possible. SmartLipo’s unique laser technology avoids damaging delicate blood vessels and nerves (as traditional liposuction can) and allows for a much faster recovery time than standard lipo. There is not only less blood loss during the procedure, but afterward there is less bruising and nearly no pain! This allows our patients to get right back to work and light physical activity within only one to two days.

How many treatments are needed?

One of the greatest benefits of SmartLipo laser liposuction is that only one treatment is needed for each area. You can have multiple areas treated at one time and you won’t have to have those areas re-treated if you follow our recommended guidelines for post-surgical exercise and proper nutrition. Your results can last for many years to come.

How long does it take?

If you are having laser liposuction done to one area, it can take anywhere from 60 to 90 minutes, depending upon the size of the area we are treating. For multiple areas it can take two to three hours.

Where is the procedure performed?

With Wall Street Cosmetic Surgery, we perform the laser lipo procedure in our accredited office based surgery center. Our center is accredited by the Accreditation Association for Ambulatory Health Care, Inc. (AAAHC). We are proud to say that each year we far surpass the patient care standards set by the AAACH for New York outpatient surgery centers. Our top priority is patient safety!

Are you ready to schedule a free consultation? To find out how SmartLipo can sculpt your body, please call us today at 212-344-0496 or click here to request an appointment online. Click here for SmartLipo pricing information.

Read patient testimonials or see before and after pictures.