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Tips to Shake Gynecomastia Surgery Jitters

March 27, 2017

Cosmetic surgery, like almost any other procedure, comes with a lot of anxiety and anticipation in the pre-surgery phase. This is not unnatural and it’s difficult to shake, but there are a number of different things you can do to help yourself. Try these tips from your friends at Wall Street Cosmetic Surgery»

Proper Rest
Stress causes restlessness and restlessness causes stress– a very enjoyable cycle. What you can do in the weeks leading up to surgery is start to use melatonin to help you rest. Speak with your doctor first, but if you get the go ahead, it’s okay to use melatonin to help ease the mind. A good night’s rest will work wonders for your anxiety.

Open Line of Communication
Your Wall Street Cosmetic Surgery family is a resource for you to lean on, and we want you to take full advantage. Our surgeons have been in the field for years and they have dealt with patients of all ages, ethnicities and demographics and they can give you the advice you need. We will be with you from consultation to recovery!  

The Right Research
The internet can be a great resource, but it is also a major contributor to surgery jitters. People often post about horror stories and other side effects that are extremely unlikely, and these have people concerned for no reason at all. Before doing your own research, consult your surgeon and let him/her give you some good sources of information to help ease your mind.

When you start to feel yourself overthinking the situation, get active and clear your mind. Sitting with your thoughts is not always the best option.

Family Support
Yes, we are one big family here at Wall Street Cosmetic Surgery, but your own family is another resource for you. They understand your concerns and worries and more often than not, they are experiencing these things with you. Lean on them during those times of anxiety and let them motivate you to push through with it. The grass is most definitely greener on the other side.  

Here at Wall Street Cosmetic Surgery, we don’t want your surgery to be overwhelming and counterproductive. We will give you all of the reading materials you need and we want to make sure you are getting all of the correct information. From call to consultation, to surgery and recovery– we will be there every step of the way.

To schedule your FREE consultation, call 212-344-0496 or click around on your website!

Top NYC and Long Island Cosmetic Surgeon

635 Madison Ave, 4th Floor, NY NY 10022
118 Glen Cove Road, Roslyn Heights, NY 11577

Call 212-344-0496 for your free consultation!

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