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Weight Loss Guide for Busy Moms

April 19, 2017

With so much on your plate, it can be hard to find room for healthy foods and an exercise plan that works. Your kids are always going to come first in your life, but there is no reason you can’t have a little time to get that sexy, pre-child look back. You can start by following these tips from your friends at Wall Street Cosmetic Surgery»

Dieting Guide

  • Starting the day off right is huge for a busy mom. While the kids are still asleep, scramble up some eggs and turkey bacon to get your day started. The protein will give you the energy you need to get through the morning. Eating a balanced breakfast will also help you make healthier choices later in the day.
  • We know busy moms don’t have time to get caught up in cooking extravagant meals. But sometimes quick meals can be unhealthy, so what should you do? Cook up that grilled chicken, rice and veggies on Sunday while you have some time so the week goes smoother and healthier– that’s what!
  • Cutting carbs out of your lunch is a great way to shed some fat. The sandwich has become the iconic lunchtime meal, but the bread is often non-nutritious and just adding calories to your diet. Maybe try cold cut roll ups instead if you are a fan of deli meats.  

Exercise Guide

  • Busy moms have no time for the gym, but that doesn’t mean you can’t get a workout in at home! Try our favorite 3 X 100 workout. You’re going to start off by doing 100 push-ups, 100 sit-ups and 100 jumping jacks in whatever amount you can handle. Maybe do ten at a time to start and make sure you add up to 100 everyday. Don’t cheat yourself!
  • Use your kids to help you get some exercise! These little ones should not be lifting weights, but there is no reason you can’t get them active. Maybe kick a ball around in the yard or even install a seat onto your bike and go for a ride through the park. They’ll love it!
  • Get your spouse involved with your goals to lose weight and lead a healthier lifestyle. Maybe they can watch the kids while you go to the gym and have some personal time. It’s great for stress relief and it will make you feel better about yourself.  

If you’re a busy mom that wants to put the finishing touches on your ideal body, our surgeons are here for you! Whether you need a tummy tuck or a body lift, we can come up with a custom solution to fit your goals and get you to a point you can be proud of!

To schedule a FREE consultation, call 212-344-0496 or click around on our website!

Top NYC and Long Island Cosmetic Surgeon

635 Madison Ave, 4th Floor, NY NY 10022
118 Glen Cove Road, Roslyn Heights, NY 11577

Call 212-344-0496 for your free consultation!

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