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Five Things Women Look For in Men

March 14, 2017

While we do provide a number of quality cosmetic surgery services for women, this blog is about what we can do for our guys out there. Women are the pretty ones and their beauty is a lot more complex, but men have a desire for beauty as well, it just comes in different forms. For most men, the desire to look attractive in a woman or significant other’s eyes is important, and we want to show you how we can help»

A man’s torso is a particularly desirable area for a women. Studies show that women are drawn to this area because it is more intimate and personal, compared to say a man’s eyes or face. Everyone can see those areas, but the torso is reserved for the one closest to you.

Women look for nice eyes the same way men do, and perhaps it is more important for a woman. They want to see the trust in a man’s eyes and they want to be able to see his emotion. Keep this in mind guys!

A woman can tell a lot about her man by his arms. Are they hairy and muscular? That man probably likes to work out and sees himself as a bit of a man’s man. Are they pasty and wimpy? That man likely isn’t much for physical activity and perhaps he is more feminine. Only time will tell!

Just as men would look at a woman’s smile while examining her, the opposite is also true. According to a study by Efficacious Seduction, a man’s smile shows a woman his hygiene, sense of humor and vulnerability all in a few seconds of time.

A man’s chest is meant to be strong and when he hugs a woman or gets close to her, that is where she looks for strength. Unfortunately, some men will diet correctly and work out their upper body but never see the results they desire. The next step might be cosmetic surgery, and our specialty in male breast reduction has helped thousands of men in the NYC area. Do you want to look and feel more attractive? Come in for a FREE consultation today!

To schedule your FREE consultation with a Wall Street Cosmetic Surgery surgeon, call 212-344-0496 or click around on our website!

Top NYC and Long Island Cosmetic Surgeon

635 Madison Ave, 4th Floor, NY NY 10022
118 Glen Cove Road, Roslyn Heights, NY 11577

Call 212-344-0496 for your free consultation!

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