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Four Common Mistakes You Make With Your Skin

October 2, 2017

Our skin is the largest organ in (on) our bodies and we need it to be healthy for self confidence and for overall health. After a cosmetic procedure like liposuction or fat transfer, care for your skin is extremely important! What good is tuning up the car if the paint job is spotty? Pay attention to these common mistakes you are making:

Using Dirty Tools

  • If you consistently use the same makeup brush without cleaning it, you are harming your skin! Bacteria gathers on the dead skin cells and you put that right back into your skin!
  • Skipping the shower after a workout is one of the worst things you can do for your skin!
  • Sleeping on dirty sheets and pillow cases is extremely harmful for your skin.

Touchy Feely

This mistake is really common sense, but we all make it every single day! You use your hand to rest your head on or to get you through that mid day slump at work. But think about it, what did your hands touch earlier that day? Whatever it is is none of our business, but do you want all the bacteria from those surfaces on your face? Try to avoid this mistake throughout the day.

Can’t Take the Heat

Water that is too hot can cause our skin to lose it’s natural oils and crack. But did you know that cold showers can also help speed up your metabolism? Mixing one in every now and then can make your skin and your tummy look that much better!

Poor Dieting Habits

Omega-3 and Omega-6 oils are great for your skin, but excess of any food is bad for our largest organ. Oils, grease and things of that nature can cause the clogging of pores and the acne that follows. The first step in clearing up your skin is changing your diet because after all– we are what we eat!

Here at Wall Street Cosmetic Surgery, we want you to view our staff as a resource for all things health and wellness. Our blog is a great resource for dieting and exercise tips and our knowledgable surgeons and nurses will help you maintain results after your procedure. There is no better team on Long Island or NYC.

To schedule a consultation, call Wall Street Cosmetic Surgery at 212-344-0496 or book online for fast and easy service!

Top NYC and Long Island Cosmetic Surgeon

635 Madison Ave, 4th Floor, NY NY 10022
118 Glen Cove Road, Roslyn Heights, NY 11577

Call 212-344-0496 for your free consultation!

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